Thursday, October 12, 2023 9am to 3pm
About this Event
Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of the achievements of women in STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. At Geneseo, Ada Lovelace Day is also a celebration of connections between STEM and the arts and humanities. Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (1815-1852) was the first person to publish what we would now call a computer program. She was the daughter of the English Romantic poet George Gordon, Lord Byron. We'll celebrate with a presentation by SUNY Oswego digital humanist Serenity Sutherland on "Visualizing Women in Science," followed by a group edit-a-thon to make women scientists more visible on Wikipedia, a workshop on poetry and generative AI led by Geneseo English professor Lytton Smith, and a presentation on notable women in physics and astronomy by Geneseo physics professor Anne Pellerin. Edit-a-thon participants will be guided through the process of editing Wikipedia pages. Be sure to bring your laptop!
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