SUNY Geneseo
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September 13, 1871 was the first day classes were held on the Geneseo campus, so it's a fitting day to launch a year of celebratory activities and events marking our 150 years.

Stop by the College Green and grab a rootbeer float; a tasty treat that was popular in the 1870s and remains so today. We'll have special 150th items as takeaways and 13 lucky people (a nod to September 13) will win a prize.

In addition, the event will showcase a croquet exhibit and an opportunity for faculty, staff and students to learn about and play croquet. Croquet was an important part of the history of Geneseo and as Livingston County celebrates it's 200-year anniversary we're pleased to partner with the Livingston County Museum to offer this fun and informative opportunity. 

At 1 p.m. the Geneseo String Band led by Jim Kimball, Music Department will perform at the College Green. 

Stop up to the Green between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. to try some croquet. At 2 p.m., there will be a croquet game played by local enthusiasts for your viewing pleasure. 

The Sturges carillon also will play the Geneseo Alma Mater at 9:13 a.m. and every hour until 3 p.m. in honor of the 150th Anniversary. 

This kickoff is just the first event in Geneseo's yearlong 150th Anniversary Celebration. 😊

  • Kristy Barkan

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