SUNY Geneseo
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Dr. Eveng will talk about Espacios diaspóricos y construcción de las identidades afropeas en
“Las que se atrevieron” de Lucía Asue Mbomio y en Behold the dreamers de Imbolo Mbue
This talk will take place in Teams. It will be in Spanish with Q&A in Spanish, English and
French. Dr. Eveng, teaches at Maroua Université de Cameroon and is an expert on Afro-
feminism and Afropean identities. Her last publications are “Nacidas hombres hechas
mujeres: identidades transgénericas en Sirena Selena vestida de pena de la afropuertorriqueña
Mayra Santos Febres” (UAH obras colectivas, 2020). “Identidades periféricas en Sirena
Selena vestida de pena de Mayra Santos Febres y en La bastarda de Trifonia Melibea Obono”
(Dykinson: Madrid, 2020).

Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Department of Global Languages and
Cultures. With the support of Black/Africana Studies and Women's & Gender Studies

For Teams Link, please contact Susana Castillo-Rodriguez

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