SUNY Geneseo
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Temple Grandin, PhD, an internationally recognized author, speaker, and activist of autism and animal behavior, will give a public talk on March 28. Grandin is a professor of animal science at Colorado State University and a pioneer in improving the handling and welfare of farm animals. Grandin’s talk “The Way I See it: A Personal Look at Autism,” will discuss the issues individuals on the autism spectrum face every day, and will include helpful do’s and don’ts.

A book signing of her book, Visual Thinking, will follow the lecture from 2:15-3:00pm in the Bailey Hall Atrium. Books will be for sale in the Barnes and Noble Bookstore, MacVittie College Union the week of the event and available at Wadsworth Audotirum prior to the event (cash only sales day of). 

ALL TICKETS ARE CURRENTLY CLAIMED but stand-by seating may become available and the event will be livestreamed, a link will be dropped here the day of the event.

Sign language interpreting and live captioning will be made available. If you require accommodations for equal access to this event, please contact The Office of Accessibility Services via email ( or phone (585-245-5112)

Parking will be available in Lots B, T and S and shuttles will be circling to bring guests to Wadsworth Auditoroum. Accessible parking is available in the College Circle (first come, first served) and the Circle can also be used to drop individuals off very close to the entrance of Wadsworth Auditorium.  Campus Map HERE

+ 12 People interested in event