About this Event
Doty Hall, Park St, Geneseo, NY 14454
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What does it mean to be a good democratic citizen? What kind of civic education prepares people to fulfill their democratic role well? And are there democratic reforms that can make it easier to be a good democratic citizen? In this talk based on research co-authored with Daniel J Stephens, Dr. Oprea will provide and defend an answer to this question that should appeal to citizens with a variety of political views. In particular, she argues that a good democratic citizen prioritizes the continuation of their democracy — sometimes above other cherished values or policies that they would like to see implemented. This turns out to have important implications for how one ought to vote, how one ought to discuss politics (in person and on social media), and how one ought to act within one's social group and community more broadly.
This event is hosted by the new program in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, co-sponsored by the departments of Philosophy and Political Science, and the School of Business.